There’s the idea that success is predetermined. A belief that leading, building a successful organization, and making a positive impact on our culture are set apart for a select few.
This is inaccurate.
I don’t think people hold back on sharing their unique gifts because they’ve bought the lie. I think we hold back because shipping our work is a vulnerable and imperfect process. So we take the path of least resistance. Leaning on comfort and certainty instead of asking questions and making things better.
So how do we build momentum in the messiness of the change we hope to make? How do we learn to let go of perfection? How do we strengthen our creative muscle?
We do it by making decisions. By making them often. Shipping our work. Showing our work. Doing it over and over again.
Over time, we learn to make better decisions. We launch with less hesitation. Our work gets better. Our relationships with others become deeper.
And in the end, we get to look back proud of who we’ve become, the work we’ve done, and the change we’ve made.