I just finished reading The Art of Possibility by Rosamund and Benjamin Zander for the second time. It’s that good! Here’s a short excerpt from the book that caught my attention:
“When you play the contribution game, it is never a single individual who is transformed. Transformation overrides the divisions of identity and possession that are the architecture of the measurement model, recasting the tight pattern of scarcity into a widespread array of abundance.”
The authors argue that unlike the invented games of comparison and domination where there are two sides to the coin (success and failure), the game of contribution has no other side. When we live inside the invented narrative of contribution we move away from comparison questions like “Am I doing enough?”, and instead, ask the more abundant and joyful question “How will I contribute today?”
When we choose to see ourselves and others as contributors, we instantly enter a sandbox of play where get to engage in relationships and conversations that move us closer to the change we seek to make.
What game will you choose?
Try this:
For the rest of this week, begin your day by asking yourself the question How will I contribute today?
On Sunday, take 15-20 minutes to write down the details of your experience. What effect did adopting a posture of contribution have on your relationships, work, and conversations? What did you notice about yourself? What did you notice in others? Were you surprised? Be specific. Capture the way it made you feel and any wins (small or big) that came out of this experience.
And if you’re feeling extra generous, share your experience with someone you trust and encourage them to play along with you.