
Choosing to view constraints as cumbersome experiences is a choice.

The short-term solution, and too often our default, is to ignore the issue at hand, point the finger, or wait for someone else to take the lead. We tell ourselves that there will always be someone smarter, more qualified, and with more resources to do the work. The excuses go on.

But constraints are far from being something we should avoid or look down upon. They are an opportunity to face our insecurities and fears, to level up, and to lead.

When we redefine constraints as channels for possibility, our walks of life become more exciting and fulfilling. They become catalysts for creative expression and drivers for innovation.

What's the flip side of your constraint? How could you turn a seemingly negative or unpopular trait, situation, or outcome into something positive?

Leverage your constraints and you'll find yourself engaging with your best work.