Easy versus important

The easy conversations aren’t always the important ones.

It’s easier to stay superficial. It’s easier to avoid the difficult question. It’s easier to stick with what we already believe to be true. But easy rarely gets us to where we want to go.

Over the past year, hundreds of writers, researchers, and thinkers around the world have been volunteering their time and energy to bring to life The Carbon Almanac, a tool that helps passionate, caring, and intelligent people like you and me start important conversations with others about what’s really happening around us.

I’m fortunate to be a part of this amazing team and want to invite you help us advance the conversation around climate change.

The opportunity to make a positive and meaningful impact on our world, cities, and neighborhoods is right in front of us.

It’s not too late.

Here’s how you can take action today (choose as many as you’d like):

  1. Pre-order TWO books. One for you and one for someone you love.
  2. Become a partner. You can learn more about our partnerships here and reach out to us here.
  3. Switch your search engine to Ecosia, a not-for-profit that turns your online activity into millions of planted trees.
  4. Share our free e-book with your little ones: Generation Carbon: A Carbon Almanac for Kids.

