Logic may get people to think but emotion causes people to act.
The use of facts and features are empty tactics unless they’re able to create an emotional attachment between the customer and the product or service.
Heres' what I mean by an emotional attachment:
Is the story behind what’s being presented compelling and specific enough for your target audience?
Does it let your prospect believe that the product or service you provide solves a problem she has?
How we feel about something can greatly influence how we behave toward it. We’re far more likely to move forward with a purchasing decision if our experience with a product matches a belief we already hold or are ready to take on.
It may be helpful for us to think about how all the pieces of our work, from our tone of voice to design, help create a story that resonates with the people we hope to connect with.
Our best work happens when we get the feelings right. And the only way to get the feelings right is to know who our work is for.