New endeavors

Choosing to step more fully into an existing craft or to embark on a new trajectory of work can be both exciting and intimidating. For some of us, the uncertainty of not knowing where our time and effort will take us can pose a real threat to our motivation and commitment to step into our work. The fear of the unknown is real, but there are things that we can be (almost) sure of and prepare for ahead of time.

No matter what type of project we decide to take on, we will undoubtedly face barriers and setbacks along the way. And although these bumps on the road are a part of the process, we can look at them as good news. Because long before any real work begins, we have an opportunity to decide if it's a journey we are willing to stick through despite some of the obstacles we may encounter. We can choose to commit to the process despite the external or internal walls we may face or pass on the opportunity to channel our time and energy elsewhere.

We understand that taking the time to weigh the costs and the benefits of starting a new project can be tedious and feel like a real buzz killer. However, when we go through this self-reflection, sooner better than later, it makes it is easier to look back and recall in moments of doubt and uncertainty the commitment we made to ourselves, our work, and the people that we love.